Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This blog would primarily focus on Projects…..and the tools and tips to get the best out of these projects…
We would primarily start with simple projects and deal with the
1) spreadsheet software (Excel ) and
2) scheduling software Microsoft project
3) Primavera
The industry I would primarily focus is the fascinating construction industry but would continuously move into other disciplines of projects and over time you would be amazed at just how deeply rooted the projects is in your lives.

Let us talk a bit about excel and project first…
In my professional life I had the opportunity to meet some of the giants in the construction industry but excel is something the Indian construction industry still has to understand better for getting the best out of raw data. Every organization and individual should get greater in depth understanding irrespective of their locations in Delhi, Gurgaon or Qatar. I will in later chapters teach groundbreaking tips to save hours and hours of excel works and some great tips of using excel and MSP together.
Facts will un doubtfully tell you that there is nearly always a way for excel users in construction industry to do the job in nearly half the time than usual and they never get to using excel to its fullest and the best part is…IT IS SIMPLE !!!!!!!!! VERY SIMPLE!!!!!!!!You just need to follow the chapters ahead on Excel and life would start getting simpler…
Microsoft Project………
I have more than often heard many planning engineers saying that MSP does not solves their purpose and is not up to the task. Without falling into the debate of Primavera Vs MSP i would simply state that Microsoft Project is perhaps one of the most underused tools used in the Indian construction industry.
It offers great promises and keeps a track on time and cost of a project just like any great Project Management software would promise and again it is getting simpler and better with passing days and with a great adaptability with excel…More of that in later chapters of project…
In case you have a query or could not follow along the workbooks or project files.Write us a mail and we would be more than happy to share the files with you…
Planningly yours,


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